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7 Ways to Assess and Develop Your Self-Worth

Developing self-worth is hard for many of us. And because we spend so much time at work, the connection between perceptions of self-worth and your job become massive.

The path to good, priority-driven, high-ROI work is often paved with feelings of worthiness, but we can easily become distracted from this path.

Here’s a 2-step process to help you assess and develop your self-worth.

A) Take this quick self-worth assessment

Look at the following 7 statements and think about how true each is for you:

  1. I feel that I truly deserve everything I have in my life.

  2. I feel at any moment that something amazing might happen to me.

  3. If I take away all of the roles I play in my life, I still love who I am at the very core. If those roles were to go away, I would still love myself deeply.

  4. I have a clear understanding of who I am outside of my job, my hobbies, and my relationships.

  5. When negative things happen in my life, I don’t see them as punishment.

  6. I am kind to myself.

  7. I treat myself with the same respect and appreciation that I give to others.

Really think about your answers to these statements. Be self-critical. It will lead to a new slate of personal insights.

If you feel your answers leaned more towards untrue than true, you align with a lack of self-worth, do not fear! There are 3 approaches you can try immediately.

B) Use this 3-step approach to build your worthiness

1. Spend time with positive people in positive places. Don’t let negative people or situations define who you are, or drain your energy. Notice who you spend the most time with and where you spend the most time. Would you describe these as positive, energizing people and places?

2. Let praise and criticism roll off your back. Don’t let praise or criticism impact your self-worth. If you’re dependent on what other people think, you’ll never be at ease. Whose criticism are you most fearful of? Whose praise do you most desire? Just let go of both. Let go of caring what anyone else thinks. This is harder at work and/or in other hierarchical situations, but we can still deliver for our bosses without their word being the be-all and end-all.

3. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. If you want to grow, you’ll need to stretch your limits. You’ll need to try new things and take measured risks. Be forewarned: this will be uncomfortable at times. Go with the discomfort. It’s a sign you’re shifting. Be willing to accept both success and failure as you try new things. You’re learning and growing either way.

Remember: business growth often can’t happen without personal growth. And businesses are made up of individuals. Assessing your self-worth and moving towards new perspectives about it … is you cultivating your leadership.

Leaders who work with Lisa as their executive leadership coach have seen great results when it comes to building their self-worth. Perhaps this is the next step for you?


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